Why Window cleaning is Important

Why Window cleaning is Important

It’s spring time, and we couldn’t be happier! The grass is turning green, the flowers are blooming and the sun is shining. As all that happens you may be more aware of dirty windows, screens and tracks. There is no better time than right now to get your windows cleaned!

We believe there are three reasons for you to get your windows cleaned:

  1. The obvious answer is that it helps make your home or business pop! There is nothing more satisfying than looking out of a beautifully cleaned window!

  2. Protect the longevity of your seals. Over time dirt and debris can begin to erode the seals that protect your windows. By scheduling routine cleanings, you protect yourself from costly repairs, or a complete window replacement. When you begin to see condensation in between the glass that is when you know a seal has been compromised! So don’t wait for that to happen, and get those puppies cleaned.

  3. Routine cleanings help protect against hard water stains. In some cases if a hard water stain is bad enough, the whole window will need to be replaced. In other scenarios you’ll end up paying a hefty priced to get it repaired. Hard water stains caused by sprinklers can be a real pest, so be sure to schedule that cleaning as soon as you can! As long as a window is maintained then the hard water stains can be fought off!

With that said, we hope you are enjoying spring as much as we are and will considering using us for any of your window cleaning and pressure washing needs. To connect with us go ahead and click the link.

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