Marketing kindness

Marketing kindness

Streakers Window Cleaning is a little over 4 years old. But most of that time is was just a side hustle, and it wasn’t until recently that one of our owners made the full time jump.

There are no doubt many challenges when it comes to building a company from the ground up. But also so many rewards.

An abundance of financial Capital is probably something that every business owner wants, but in the beginning that’s just not quite the reality. So what is one way a small business can spend energy, instead of money on brand building/awareness?

For us at Streakers, we whole heartedly believe that kindness is free. It’s the attribute that our company can live out, without ever triggering overdraft protection. Why wouldn’t you want to make your company the friendliest company in your industry?

When you make mistakes with your small business, those mistakes are often easily forgiven when the customer knows you care about them, and treat them with nothing but the best respect. I love how Horst Schultze says it, no matter what your industry “You are ladies and gentleman, serving Ladies and Gentleman!”

For us, one of the most important attributes of being a Lady or Gentleman, is having a kind, warm, loving spirit.

So as a business owner, employee, or just a human being, remember that kindness is the best marketing strategy and it is completely free!

Why Window cleaning is Important

Why Window cleaning is Important